Thursday, November 25, 2010


I had my first experience in collecting results for PSLE and it was a daunting one. As I waitied for my son to collect his results, I saw faces of pain and tears as well as jubilation and relief and students ran past me at the back of the hall to their parents.

I stood next to my friend who was also watiing for her son's results. Why did I feel so emo, tearful, excited yet fearful....why such emotions when I know that the results is actually just numbers? These numbers may not represent the hardwork, pain, joy, enjoyment that my son experienced when he was preparing for his exams nor the journey or journeys that he will embark on hence forth. I am satisfied that he has exhausted his sleep, enthsiatically followed his teacher's strategies, burn many nights, sacrifice a lot of play time....I am  proud...proud that I have son who values things that will make him a good person, a loving, steadfast and effective person. That is enought for me, truly. So I pray that God will give me wisdom and strength me in my effort to mother him, to built him up to be resilient so that he can face life challenges courageously knowing that God is in total control.

Acts 17:26 that from one man he made every nation....and he determines the times set for them and the  EXACT places where they should live so tht men would seek him and perhaps reach out to him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.

So JMSE, God has set for you the timing and the places...and when you have any questions....ask  him and reach out to HIM because he wants to you...and there you will find incredible strength and wisdom that you cannot find anywhre else.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Not my first blog

After many attempts to create an blog account, I finally succeed...not without the help of Josiah. I am a little hesitant because blogging is just like reflecting thoughts aloud...not so used to doing that. On one hand it is like I am just voicing my thoughts, on the other hand, I feel that to a certain extent my privacy is compromised.

Got Taylor Swift is absolutely fantastic. How could a 20 year old kid write like that? What is her pysche???How could she express all that she did in such beautiful music and voice of an angle somemore...

Went for a talk about  Love...It is at 3 levels

1) Liking someone - it is kind of a emotional experience

2) Liking someone rationally - this will happen after a lot of dating....after 21because you need to be responsible

3) Loving someone out of will power .....obviously have to be much older.... I mean if you wish to marry after 3 years of dating...for guys better start at maybe about 23 ...last year at U and then marry by if you kind of like someone now and say you are 13....boy you need to date the SAME girl for 13 possible?????? Nah......

There is a GREAT divide between Liking someone ( ie anyone can like "like" someone ) and Liking someone rationally and then Loving someone at will.

When I was about 12, I think I like a few hundred people....I mean just like....didnt tell them. I like the boy that sold eggs ... but it is so different when you like someone responsibly....